During our New Year's Eve visit, the musings drifted to our family's blogs, and the various styles of writing that have been exhibited (one is led, therefore, to believe that you must be exhibitionists) throughout the year. Since my entries have been non-existant for over a year, I was put upon to enhance my image in the family blogosphere. Actually, I am a little embarrassed at not having been a part of the literary feast. You are, of course, free to decide if this is prime rib or just a soup bone.
With the change in our job status (and the subsequent drastic cut in income), we ultimately decided that maintaining our home was a burden that was not allowing for savings to accrue, nor for necessary supplies to be obtained. Yes, my young sons and daughters, I am taking the First Presidency's council to heart; although, I am also prodded by a prominent "Watchman in Israel" as referred to in Ezekial 33.
We talked this through as a couple that we might be as one mind in the matter. After having submitted our decision to the Father (I really wanted to say "the Great Ruler of the Universe", but that seems a little over the top), we felt to move forth with the plan. As we talked with each adult member of our family team, the acceptance of the plan was clear and fully supported. All who had space and proximity offered their homes. Resorting again to prayer we opted for the most space (and incidentally the most privacy).
Selling the house was another exercise in faith and not even too much patience. In a very difficult market, our realtor (the ever trusty Roseann) found a specialist in her office who did a great job and sold the house. We sensed a pattern of blessings forming around our decision. With the house selling so quickly, we needed temporary space, which was quickly and graciously provided by the CZN team ( I feel like I'm writing the original text for the D&C where the Saviour used code names to protect the primaries). We loved being there where we had "grandchild immersion" for several weeks. We formed a bond that could not have happened any other time in our life. I thank you both so very, very much. May God bless you for your sacrifice. I know that you think it was nothing, but it means a great deal to me.
Incidental to that stay was an introduction to zip together twin air mattresses. That was pretty good, but by adding twin 34" wide steel framed cots (they weigh a ton - metric I think), we had a bed quite comparable to our fancy swedish thermonuclear - or is it thermorest? - mattress. Its even bigger. And, it works great in the tent.
I know that M & S (I was going to say S & M, but I felt a little uncomfortable with it) would have liked us to move in with them, but space was an issue, and besides, who wants to live in Canby? So, the Dewmeister is the winner - or the loser (vote now, vote often). What I didn't know until the decision was made and the wheels were turning was that he had always known that this time would come, and it was his "calling" to provide for us. I don't know if he learned that from the scriptures or from the Chinese culture. I suspect the former.
So we bought a 40' container for storage and remodeled the huge garage, sans three-quarters of one bay. What we have is a brand new apartment on the ground floor and great neighbors upstairs. We love it. We love the ward. We love having K & J next door. We love the dog. We love the woods and the quiet - and the stars (batteries not included). We love each other. As I said at Christmas, we love you all.
With the change in our job status (and the subsequent drastic cut in income), we ultimately decided that maintaining our home was a burden that was not allowing for savings to accrue, nor for necessary supplies to be obtained. Yes, my young sons and daughters, I am taking the First Presidency's council to heart; although, I am also prodded by a prominent "Watchman in Israel" as referred to in Ezekial 33.
We talked this through as a couple that we might be as one mind in the matter. After having submitted our decision to the Father (I really wanted to say "the Great Ruler of the Universe", but that seems a little over the top), we felt to move forth with the plan. As we talked with each adult member of our family team, the acceptance of the plan was clear and fully supported. All who had space and proximity offered their homes. Resorting again to prayer we opted for the most space (and incidentally the most privacy).
Selling the house was another exercise in faith and not even too much patience. In a very difficult market, our realtor (the ever trusty Roseann) found a specialist in her office who did a great job and sold the house. We sensed a pattern of blessings forming around our decision. With the house selling so quickly, we needed temporary space, which was quickly and graciously provided by the CZN team ( I feel like I'm writing the original text for the D&C where the Saviour used code names to protect the primaries). We loved being there where we had "grandchild immersion" for several weeks. We formed a bond that could not have happened any other time in our life. I thank you both so very, very much. May God bless you for your sacrifice. I know that you think it was nothing, but it means a great deal to me.
Incidental to that stay was an introduction to zip together twin air mattresses. That was pretty good, but by adding twin 34" wide steel framed cots (they weigh a ton - metric I think), we had a bed quite comparable to our fancy swedish thermonuclear - or is it thermorest? - mattress. Its even bigger. And, it works great in the tent.
I know that M & S (I was going to say S & M, but I felt a little uncomfortable with it) would have liked us to move in with them, but space was an issue, and besides, who wants to live in Canby? So, the Dewmeister is the winner - or the loser (vote now, vote often). What I didn't know until the decision was made and the wheels were turning was that he had always known that this time would come, and it was his "calling" to provide for us. I don't know if he learned that from the scriptures or from the Chinese culture. I suspect the former.
So we bought a 40' container for storage and remodeled the huge garage, sans three-quarters of one bay. What we have is a brand new apartment on the ground floor and great neighbors upstairs. We love it. We love the ward. We love having K & J next door. We love the dog. We love the woods and the quiet - and the stars (batteries not included). We love each other. As I said at Christmas, we love you all.
"Hey, did I just see a group of indigenous species following us?"
Thank you for who you are.
And quoting Bartles and James "Thanks for your support".